Dr. Joan Akumu Magero

(Ag. Chair Person)


Dr. Mary Theresa. Agutu 

(Chief Executive Officer - C.E.O)


Prof. John Demesi. Mande

Dean, Faculty of Vet Medicine



Dr. Derick Chibeu

Independent Member

Dr. Cathryn W. Wanjohi 

Independent Member

Dr. Allan E. Azegele

Ag. Director of Veterinary Services

Dr. Samuel G.  Mugo

Principal AHITI


Dr. Isaac Lekolool

Representative KWS

Dr. Kelvin Osore

Chairman, KVA

Mr. Benson Ameda

Independent Member

Mr. Queerenuse Pacho Oluoch

Independent Member


Mr. Oreste Kuria Karanja

Independent Member

Ms. Sarah Kapkarich

Non Professional in ARI

Mr. Boniface Simba

PS Livestock Alternate

Ms. Elizabeth Nzioka

PS Treasury Alternate


Dr. Mumina Guyo Shibia

Veterinary Research Institute

Mr. Samson Muthuri M'Tuaruchiu

Non Professional in ARI

Mr. Francis Mutua

Inspectorate of State Corporations